shell javascript


Alcor Exchange has HTTP and WebSocket api. Which can get information on various markets, orderboos, prices, events, and charts. WebSocket allows streaming for orderbook updates, new deals, and account events.

Interaction with Alcor is divided into 2 types:

Basic documentation can be found here:

URL Structure

HTTP API URL are separated by chains using following structute. The UI are following same structute as api, they are splitted by subdomains named by chain.

Chain URL

Node API

import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError, JsSignatureProvider } from 'eosjs'

const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch })
const signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider(['private key of order owner'])
const api = new Api({ rpc, signatureProvider, textDecoder: new TextDecoder(), textEncoder: new TextEncoder() });

Alcor is DEX, so, intereations with exchange, such as placing new order or order cancel, requires work with blockchain node api directly. Examples can be found in Trading API section.

Alcor support multiple EOSIO blockchains. Here is dex contract accounts across supported cahins:

You can easly interacting with alcor contracts using EOSJS library.



Token price


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "contract": "alien.worlds",
  "decimals": 4,
  "symbol": "TLM",
  "id": "tlm-alien.worlds",
  "system_price": 0.252009,
  "usd_price": 0.010197

Get single token price by id

HTTP Request



Name Type Description
contract string token contract
decimals number token precision
symbol string token symbol
id string token-id
system_price number token price in chain system token
usd_price number token price in USD

All tokens prices


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "contract": "alien.worlds",
    "decimals": 4,
    "symbol": "TLM",
    "id": "tlm-alien.worlds",
    "system_price": 0.252009,
    "usd_price": 0.010197

Get all tokens with it's prices

HTTP Request



Name Type Description
contract string token contract
decimals number token precision
symbol string token symbol
id string token-id
system_price number token price in chain system token
usd_price number token price in USD

Global Data


Returns global data on TVL, volumes, number of trading pairs, and so on

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "wax",
  "totalValueLocked": 2240718.758763486,
  "swapValueLocked": 943995.9929317994,
  "spotValueLocked": 1296722.7658316866,
  "swapTradingVolume": 344377.66920321307,
  "spotTradingVolume": 26406.316737205285,
  "swapFees": 1063.6217236406346,
  "spotFees": 409.7303415365396,
  "dailyActiveUsers": 4063,
  "swapTransactions": 26347,
  "spotTransactions": 3163,
  "totalLiquidityPools": 1483,
  "totalSpotPairs": 808,
  "totalTradingVolume": 370783.9859404183

HTTP Request


Query params:

Name Type Description Default
resolution string Accumulate results over a certain period of time 1D

Supported resolutions:

1D, 1W, 1M


Name Type Description
totalValueLocked number Exchange TVL
swapValueLocked number Total AMM Value locked in USD
spotValueLocked number Total spot value locked in open orders
swapTradingVolume number AMM trading volume
spotTradingVolume number Spot trading volume
swapFees number AMM fees
spotFees number Spot fees
dailyActiveUsers number avg Daily active users
swapTransactions number Total AMM swaps for period(resolution)
spotTransactions number Total spot trades for period(resolution)
totalLiquidityPools number Count of AMM pairs
totalSpotPairs number Count of spot pairs
totalTradingVolume number Total trading volume for given period(resolution)

Market Data

Token symbol repesented as SYMBOL_contract following the eosio.token standard. As the one symbol can be deployed by multiple contracts.

Trading pairs

Provides a list of all trading pairs on the Alcor DEX.

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "base": {
      "id": "pgl-prospectorsw",
      "contract": "prospectorsw",
      "symbol": "PGL",
      "precision": 4
    "target": {
      "id": "wax-eosio.token",
      "contract": "eosio.token",
      "symbol": "WAX",
      "precision": 8
    "ticker_id": "pgl-prospectorsw_wax-eosio.token"

HTTP Request


Query params:

Name Type Description
base string Filter pair by base currency id
target string Filter pair by target currency id



Name Type Description
ticker_id string Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/target
base string Symbol code of a the base cryptoasset
target string Symbol code of the target cryptoasset


curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "ticker_id": "tlm-alien.worlds_wax-eosio.token",
    "market_id": 26,
    "target_currency": "wax-eosio.token",
    "base_currency": "tlm-alien.worlds",
    "global_ticker_id": "TLM_WAX",
    "target_cmc_ucid": 825,
    "base_cmc_ucid": 2300
    "min_buy": "0.50000000 WAX",
    "min_sell": "1.0000 TLM",
    "last_price": 0.32448004,
    "change24": 3.42,
    "high24": 0.34088342,
    "low24": 0.30488872,
    "bid": 0.32448004,
    "ask": 0.32580358,
    "base_volume": 100178.36015088,
    "target_volume": 314152.7801
    "frozen": false,
    "fee": 20,
    "base_amm_liquidity": 3710.6035,
    "target_amm_liquidity": 649.92427661

Endpoint provides pricing and volume information on sprcific ticker.

Ticker ID represented as base token (Symbol-contract) _ quote_token (Symbol-contract) example: rda-deadcitytokn_wax-eosio.token

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
ticker_id true string Ticker id


Name Type Description
ticker_id string Identifier of a ticker
global_ticker_id string The ticker ID according to the standard of centralized exchanges (null for unpopular tokens)
base_currency string Symbol code of a the base cryptoasset
target_currency string Symbol code of the target cryptoasset
target_cmc_ucid number CMC integration target token UCID
base_cmc_ucid number CMC integration base token UCID
min_buy string Minimum amount of target currency
min_sell string Minimum amount of base currency
last_price number Price of the latest deal
change24 number Price change in 24 hours positive/negative
high24 number Highest price in 24 hours
low24 number Lowest price in 24
bid number Price of current highest buy order
ask number Price of current cheapest sell order
base_volume number 24H Volume of base currency
target_volume number 24H Volume of target currency
frozen boolean Trading are frozen
fee number Market fees represented as % of 1000 (fee / 1000)
base_amm_liquidity number Total base token liqiudity available on AMM contract
target_amm_liquidity number Total target token liqiudity available on AMM contract


curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "ticker_id": "tlm-alien.worlds_wax-eosio.token",
        "market_id": 26,
        "target_currency": "wax-eosio.token",
        "base_currency": "tlm-alien.worlds",
        "min_buy": "0.50000000 WAX",
        "min_sell": "1.0000 TLM",
        "last_price": 0.32448004,
        "change24": 3.42,
        "high24": 0.34088342,
        "low24": 0.30488872,
        "bid": 0.32448004,
        "ask": 0.32580358,
        "base_volume": 100178.36015088,
        "target_volume": 314152.7801
        "frozen": false,
        "fee": 20,
        "global_ticker_id": "TLM_WAX",
        "target_cmc_ucid": 2300,
        "base_cmc_ucid": 9119
        "base_amm_liquidity": 3710.6035,
        "target_amm_liquidity": 649.92427661

Endpoint provides pricing and volume information on each market pair available on an exchange.

HTTP Request


Without parameters returns all available tickers

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
tickers false array Array of ticker_id's, for getting only selected tickers


Name Type Description
ticker_id string Identifier of a ticker
base_currency string Symbol code of a the base cryptoasset
target_currency string Symbol code of the target cryptoasset
min_buy string Minimum amount of target currency
min_sell string Minimum amount of base currency
last_price number Price of the latest deal
change24 number Price change in 24 hours positive/negative
high24 number Highest price in 24 hours
low24 number Lowest price in 24
bid number Price of current highest buy order
ask number Price of current cheapest sell order
base_volume number 24H Volume of base currency
target_volume number 24H Volume of target currency
frozen boolean Trading are frozen
fee number Market fees represented as 0.01%
global_ticker_id string The ticker ID according to the standard of centralized exchanges (null for unpopular tokens)
target_cmc_ucid number target Unified Cryptoasset ID if exist or null
base_cmc_ucid numer base Unified Cryptoasset ID if exist or null
base_amm_liquidity number Total base token liqiudity available on AMM contract
target_amm_liquidity number Total target token liqiudity available on AMM contract


curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "ticker_id": "PGL-prospectorsw_WAX-eosio.token",
    "asks": [
            "0.66299999", // PRICE
            "111.8101" // QTY
    "bids": [

Endpoint using to provide order book information with at least depth = 3 returned for a given ticker.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description
ticker_id true string ticker id
depth false 300 The number of market depth to return on each side


Name Type Description
ticker_id string Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/target
bids array Array of bids. bid structure: [price, quantity]
asks array Array of asks. ask structure: [price, quantity]

Latest Trades

Retrieve the most recent deals of a ticker, sorted by time from latest to oldest.

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "trade_id": "61a0fd5b5f0f4674848b26ae",
        "base_volume": 48.8126,
        "target_volume": 29.52941386,
        "price": 0.604955,
        "time": 1637929769500,
        "type": "buy"
        "trade_id": "61a0fcf65f0f4674848b0cf4",
        "base_volume": 12.9939,
        "target_volume": 7.86070962,
        "price": 0.60495104,
        "time": 1637929668000,
        "type": "sell"

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description
limit false 300 The number of latest trades to return

Trade history

Retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument, sorted by time from earlyer to latest.

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "base_volume": 48.8126,
        "price": 0.604955,
        "target_volume": 29.52941386,
        "time": 1637929769500,
        "trade_id": "61a0fd5b5f0f4674848b26ae",
        "type": "buy"
        "base_volume": 12.9939,
        "price": 0.60495104,
        "target_volume": 7.86070962,
        "time": 1637929668000,
        "trade_id": "61a0fcf65f0f4674848b0cf4",
        "type": "sell"

Endpoint using to return data on historical completed trades for a given ticker.

HTTP Request


Sorting from lasted to oldest deals

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
type string Filter by "sell" or "buy" trades
limit integer Number of trades to retrieve
step integer Offset, used for step-by-step loading of the entire history
from timestamp Start time from which to query trades (milliseconds)
to timestamp End time for historical trades (milliseconds)


Name Type Description
trade_id string A unique ID associated with the trade
price decimal Transaction price.
base_volume decimal Transaction amount in base pair volume
target_volume decimal Transaction amount in target pair volume.
time timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the transaction occurred.
type string Type of the transaction that was completed.

Klines (Candles)

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "close": 0.57009415,
        "high": 0.58999718,
        "low": 0.57009415,
        "open": 0.58999718,
        "time": 1637856799500,
        "volume": 1.34580567 // Volume in TARGET currency
        "close": 0.5889,
        "high": 0.5889,
        "low": 0.553,
        "open": 0.57009415,
        "time": 1637859602500,
        "volume": 817.85241392

This endpoint retrieves klines for specific ticker in a specific range.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

from, to, resolution, limit

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
ticker_id true string Ticker id
resolution true string Resolution
from false timestamp Start time for getting historical candles
to false timestamp End time till which query candles

Supported resolutions:

1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1D, 1W, 1M


Alcor is a protocol based on the AMM concept using concentrated liquidity. Allowing you to change one eosio.token to another.



Get pool by ID

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "chain": "wax",
  "id": 1095,
  "active": true,
  "fee": 3000,
  "feeGrowthGlobalAX64": "212803631582389957186",
  "feeGrowthGlobalBX64": "1171129874747599",
  "feeProtocol": 3,
  "liquidity": "951789470700",
  "maxLiquidityPerTick": "1247497401346422",
  "protocolFeeA": 10681.09414088,
  "protocolFeeB": 703.6308,
  "sqrtPriceX64": "45802571509710763",
  "tick": -119973,
  "tickSpacing": 60,
  "tokenA": {
    "contract": "eosio.token",
    "decimals": 8,
    "symbol": "WAX",
    "id": "wax-eosio.token",
    "quantity": 1413257.13064633
  "tokenB": {
    "contract": "usdt.alcor",
    "decimals": 4,
    "symbol": "USDT",
    "id": "usdt-usdt.alcor",
    "quantity": 81673.5964
  "volumeA24": 60225.61186526,
  "volumeAMonth": 12102207.71289808,
  "volumeAWeek": 2865840.95504714,
  "volumeB24": 3703.4195999999997,
  "volumeBMonth": 823163.2468,
  "volumeBWeek": 175806.8865,
  "volumeUSD24": 7440.385309538387,
  "volumeUSDMonth": 1649849.915091903,
  "volumeUSDWeek": 353479.23752087017,
  "tvlUSD": 168895.21809226653,
  "change24": 0.3,
  "changeWeek": -0.49,
  "high24": 0,
  "low24": 0,
  "priceA": 0.0623307,
  "priceB": 16.0435

Query params:

Pool id should be provided inside the URL structure

Name Type Description required
pool_id number Pool ID true

HTTP Request



Name Type Description
id number pool ID
active number is pool active
fee number fee percent as part of (fee / 10000)
feeGrowthGlobalAX64 number Global accumulated fee for token A
feeGrowthGlobalBX64 number Global accumulated fee for token B
feeProtocol number Protocol fee percent
liquidity number Pool liquidity amount
maxLiquidityPerTick number Pool max liquidity ber one tick
protocolFeeA asset Protocol earned fees
protocolFeeB asset Protocol earned fees
sqrtPriceX64 number Pool price as sqrtPriceX64
tick number Pool current tick
tickSpacing number Pool tick spacing
tokenA object Token A
tokenB object Token B
volumeUSD24 number USD Volume for 24H
volumeUSDWeek number USD Volume for 7D
volumeUSDMonth number USD Volume for 30D
volumeA24 number 24H volume of token A
volumeAWeek number 7D volume of token A
volumeAMonth number 30D volume of token A
volumeB24 number 24H volume of token B
volumeBWeek number 7D volume of token B
volumeBMonth number 30D volume of token B
volumeUSD24 number USD Volume for 24H
volumeUSDWeek number USD Volume for 7D
volumeUSDMonth number USD Volume for 30D
tvlUSD number Total Value Locked in USD
change24 number 24H price change
changeWeek number 7D price change
high24 number 24H price high
low24 number 24H price low
priceA number token A price in terms of token B
priceB number token B price in terms of token A



Get all swap pools

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "chain": "wax",
    "id": 1095,
    "active": true,
    "fee": 3000,
    "feeGrowthGlobalAX64": "212803631582389957186",
    "feeGrowthGlobalBX64": "1171129874747599",
    "feeProtocol": 3,
    "liquidity": "951789470700",
    "maxLiquidityPerTick": "1247497401346422",
    "protocolFeeA": 10681.09414088,
    "protocolFeeB": 703.6308,
    "sqrtPriceX64": "45802571509710763",
    "tick": -119973,
    "tickSpacing": 60,
    "tokenA": {
      "contract": "eosio.token",
      "decimals": 8,
      "symbol": "WAX",
      "id": "wax-eosio.token",
      "quantity": 1413257.13064633
    "tokenB": {
      "contract": "usdt.alcor",
      "decimals": 4,
      "symbol": "USDT",
      "id": "usdt-usdt.alcor",
      "quantity": 81673.5964
    "volumeA24": 60225.61186526,
    "volumeAMonth": 12102207.71289808,
    "volumeAWeek": 2865840.95504714,
    "volumeB24": 3703.4195999999997,
    "volumeBMonth": 823163.2468,
    "volumeBWeek": 175806.8865,
    "volumeUSD24": 7440.385309538387,
    "volumeUSDMonth": 1649849.915091903,
    "volumeUSDWeek": 353479.23752087017,
    "tvlUSD": 168895.21809226653,
    "change24": 0.3,
    "changeWeek": -0.49,
    "high24": 0,
    "low24": 0,
    "priceA": 0.0623307,
    "priceB": 16.0435

HTTP Request



Name Type Description
id number pool ID
active number is pool active
fee number fee percent as part of (fee / 10000)
feeGrowthGlobalAX64 number Global accumulated fee for token A
feeGrowthGlobalBX64 number Global accumulated fee for token B
feeProtocol number Protocol fee percent
liquidity number Pool liquidity amount
maxLiquidityPerTick number Pool max liquidity ber one tick
protocolFeeA asset Protocol earned fees
protocolFeeB asset Protocol earned fees
sqrtPriceX64 number Pool price as sqrtPriceX64
tick number Pool current tick
tickSpacing number Pool tick spacing
tokenA object Token A
tokenB object Token B
volumeA24 number 24H volume of token A
volumeAWeek number 7D volume of token A
volumeAMonth number 30D volume of token A
volumeB24 number 24H volume of token B
volumeBWeek number 7D volume of token B
volumeBMonth number 30D volume of token B
volumeUSD24 number USD Volume for 24H
volumeUSDWeek number USD Volume for 7D
volumeUSDMonth number USD Volume for 30D
tvlUSD number Total Value Locked in USD
change24 number 24H price change
changeWeek number 7D price change
high24 number 24H price high
low24 number 24H price low
priceA number token A price in terms of token B
priceB number token B price in terms of token A

Pool Positions


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 0,
    "owner": ".11dm.wam",
    "tickLower": -443580,
    "tickUpper": 443580,
    "liquidity": 843101,
    "feeGrowthInsideALastX64": "0",
    "feeGrowthInsideBLastX64": "0",
    "feesA": 0,
    "feesB": 0,
    "pool": 0,
    "amountA": "1.6781 TLM",
    "amountB": "0.42356913 WAX"

API for getting all positions of pool

HTTP Request


Query params:

Pool id should be provided inside the URL structure

Name Type Description required
pool_id number Pool ID true


Name Type Description
id number position id
owner string position owner account
tickLower number lower tick of position
tickUpper number upper tick of position
liquidity number position liquidity amount
feeGrowthInsideALastX64 number token A fees grow value
feeGrowthInsideBLastX64 number token B fees grow value
feesA number token A accumulated fees
feesB number token B accumulated fees
pool number pool ID
amountA asset Positoin token A amount
amountB asset Positoin token B amount

Account Positions


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 13095,
    "owner": "alcordexfund",
    "tickLower": 40140,
    "tickUpper": 65520,
    "liquidity": "1009363631498",
    "feeGrowthInsideALastX64": "0",
    "feeGrowthInsideBLastX64": "0",
    "feesA": "41789.8580 BRWL",
    "feesB": "1873.58385095 WAX",
    "pool": 667,
    "depositedUSDTotal": 9782.8141,
    "closed": false,
    "collectedFees": {
      "tokenA": 0,
      "tokenB": 0,
      "inUSD": 0
    "inRange": false,
    "amountA": "0.0000 BRWL",
    "amountB": "192032.76838783 WAX",
    "totalValue": 7755.19,
    "pNl": -2027.6241

API for getting all positions belong to specific account

HTTP Request


Query params:

Pool id should be provided inside the URL structure

Name Type Description required
pool_id number Pool ID true


Name Type Description
id number position id
owner string position owner account
tickLower number lower tick of position
tickUpper number upper tick of position
liquidity number position liquidity amount
feeGrowthInsideALastX64 number token A fees grow value
feeGrowthInsideBLastX64 number token B fees grow value
feesA number token A accumulated fees
feesB number token B accumulated fees
pool number pool ID
amountA asset Positoin token A amount
amountB asset Positoin token B amount

depositedUSDTotal | number | total USD value deposited to position closed | number | is position closed collectedFees | object | Fees collected by position inRange | Boolean | is position in range totalValue | number | Total position value in USD pNl | number | Profit & Loss (totalValue - depositedUSDTotal)

Output & Route calculation

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "executionPrice": {
        "denominator": "100000000",
        "numerator": "39285"
    "input": "1.00000000",
    "maxSent": "1.00000000",
    "memo": "swapexactin#0#alcordexfund#3.9167 TLM@alien.worlds#0",
    "minReceived": "3.9167",
    "output": "3.9285",
    "priceImpact": "0.3",
    "route": [

Finding the best route for given input/output

To calculate output amount based on input amount use trade_type EXACT_INPUT To calculate input amount based on output amount use trade_type EXACT_OUTPUT

HTTP Request


Query params:

Name Type Description required
trade_type string EXACT_OUTPUT or EXACT_INPUT true
input string Input token ID true
output string Output token ID true
amount number Amount of input/output(depends on trade_type) true
slippage number permissible slippage false
receiver string Account to receive output false
maxHops number Maximum number of intermediate pools for exchange route false


Name Type Description
executionPrice object Execution price in format for Price object from Swap-SDK.
input number Input Amount
output number Output Amount
maxSent number Amount(with slippage included) to get exact output
memo string Memo for the transfer action
minReceived number Amount to receive with max slippage
priceImpact number Swap price impact percent
route array[number] Sequence of the pools id's that swap will use

OnChain Data

To fetch data (orders/markets) directly from blockchain you have to use NodeAPI

Contract tables structute can be found here


cleos -u get table alcordexmain alcordexmain markets
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } from 'eosjs'

const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch })

// Get markets
const { rows } = await rpc.get_table_rows({
  code: 'alcordexmain', // dex account
  table: 'buyorder', // side
  limit: 1000,
  scope: 'alcordexmain', // scope same as contract name

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "rows": [{
      "id": 0,
      "base_token": {
        "sym": "8,WAX",
        "contract": "eosio.token"
      "quote_token": {
        "sym": "4,PGL",
        "contract": "prospectorsw"
      "min_buy": "0.00000100 WAX",
      "min_sell": "0.0001 PGL",
      "frozen": 0,
      "fee": 0
    }, ...]

Markets are stored in markets table, scoped by contract name.

market_id are used as scope for orders table and should be provided as parameter for canceling order.

Table structute

key description
id market_id
base_token target currency
quote_token base_token currency
min_buy Min buy amount
min_sell Min sell amount
frozen Market are frozen if 1
fee Market fee


cleos -u get table alcordexmain 26 buyorder -l 2
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } from 'eosjs'

const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch })

// Get buy orderbook from conract table

const { rows } = await rpc.get_table_rows({
  code: 'alcordexmain',
  table: 'buyorder',
  limit: 1000, // limit up to 1000
  scope: 26, // Market id from /api/markets or markets table
  key_type: 'i128', // we are using it for getting order sorted by price.
  index_position: 2

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "rows": [{
      "id": 28,
      "account": "pxawpxawpxaw",
      "bid": "10.00000000 WAX",
      "ask": "1999.9560 TLM",
      "unit_price": "500012",
      "timestamp": 1603653505
      "id": 276,
      "account": "e43am.waa",
      "bid": "35.00000000 WAX",
      "ask": "5000.0000 TLM",
      "unit_price": "700000",
      "timestamp": 1609173873
  "more": true,
  "next_key": "558"

Orders are stored in buyorder and sellorder tables. Scoped by market_id(you can find one in markets table)

Table structute

key description
id order id
account order owner account
unit_price Price in integer
timestamp Order time creation


import { io } from ''

const socket = io('')

Alcor using Socket.IO for interact via WebSocket technology.

There are two commands for subscribing to and channel with specific information.

You can subscribe to rooms to receive specific event information.


// Subscribe to deals
socket.emit('subscribe', {
    room: 'deals',
    params: {
        chain: 'wax', // Chain
        market: 26 // Market id

// Handle new deals
socket.on('new_deals', deals => { ... })

// Unsubscribe from deals (will unsubscribe from all markets)
socket.emit('unsubscribe', { room: 'deals', params: { chain: 'wax' } })


      "time": 1674820074000,
      "ask": 3.5771,
      "bid": 0.99799129,
      "type": "buymatch",
      "unit_price": 0.27899985,
      "trx_id": "d4acaa5ae75bccad12ca82dd2d1d3fa5822cece1307ced10ee0daefaeb6d5009"

Subscribing to new deals for specific market.

Room name: deals


Key Value
chain chain id
market market id


// Subscribe to buy orderbook of 26 (TLM on wax) market.
socket.emit('subscribe', {
    room: 'deals',
    params: {
        chain: 'orderbook', // Chain
        market: 26, // Market id,
        side: 'buy'

// On orderbook bid side update
socket.on('orderbook_buy', bids => { ... })

// On orderbook ask side update
socket.on('orderbook_sell', asks => { ... })

// Unsubscribe from orderbook (all, buy and sell)
socket.emit('unsubscribe', { room: 'orderbook', params: { chain: 'wax', market: 26 } })



Subscribe to orderbook updates. First update is full order book state.

Room name: orderbook


Key Value
chain chain id
market market id
side sell or buy


// Subscribe
socket.emit('subscribe', {
  room: 'ticker',
  params: {
    chain: 'wax',
    market: 26,
    resolution: '30'

// Unsubscribe
socket.emit('unsubscribe', {
  room: 'ticker',
  params: {
    chain: 'wax',
    market: 26,
    resolution: '30'


    "close": 0.01175084,
    "open": 0.01175084,
    "high": 0.01175084,
    "low": 0.01175084,
    "volume": 0.11727339,
    "time": 1674821301500

Subscribe for chart updates.

Room name: ticker


Key Value
chain chain id
market market id
resolution Resolution (see list below)

Supported resolutions:

1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1D, 1W, 1M


socket.emit('subscribe', {
    room: 'account', params: {
        chain: 'wax',
        'name': 'randomuser' // Account for listen events


    "ask": 0.11727339,
    "market_id": 156,
    "price": 0.01175084

Subscribe to account events/notifications. Only order matches for now.

Room name: account


Key Value
chain chain id
name Account

Trade API

To trade assets you sould use Blockchain API directly. More information on Interaction/NodeAPI.

Place order

cleos push action tktoken transfer \
    '[bob, alcordexmain, "0.5000 TKT", "0.0010 EOS@eosio.token"]' -p bob
const actions = [{
  account: 'tktoken', // token contract
  name: 'transfer',
  authorization: [{
    actor: 'useraaaaaaaa', // account placing order (owner)
    permission: 'active',
  data: {
    from: 'useraaaaaaaa',
    to: 'alcordexmain',
    quantity: '0.5000 TKT', // Bid
    memo: '0.0001 EOS@eosio.token' // Ask

// Result of transaction
const r = await api.transact(actions)

Bob are selling 0.5 TKT and buying 0.001 EOS.

Send the amount(bid) you want to sell to dex contract account, and specify the amount you ask in the memo, the price and market will be automatically determined in the contract.

Memo format(ask token): <token_amount> <token_symbol>@<token_contract>

Place multiple orders

Same way as described but transaction may contain multiple actions(array).

Cancel order

cleos push action alcordexmain cancelsell \
    '[bob, 262, 1284277]' -p bob
const result = await api.transact([
        account: 'tktoken',
        name: 'transfer',
        authorization: [{
          actor: 'useraccountname',
          permission: 'active',
        data: {
          from: 'useraccountname',
          to: 'alcordexmain',
          quantity: '0.5000 TKT',
          memo: '0.0010 EOS@eosio.token'

Bob are canceling sell order on 262 market.

Call action cancelsell or cancelbuy with parameters:


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.